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Blog Workwear Women

Why women's own work clothes should be a matter of course today   


In many male-dominated professions, it was common for women to wear men's clothing to work for a long time. There was no special workwear and personal protective equipment (PPE) for them. Yet women have a different anatomy than men and make completely different demands on their clothing.  

Fortunately, these times are over: leading manufacturers of workwear and PPE such as Bierbaum-Proenen have been offering their own solutions with a special women's fit for many years.

In this blog, we explain why women's own workwear should be a matter of course in all industries today. 

More and more women in "classic male professions"

The old role patterns are gradually dissolving. Craft and industrial professions that used to be considered the domain of men are increasingly attracting women. According to the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), ten percent of all employees in the main construction trade are now female. The main construction trade includes professions such as road builder, carpenter, bricklayer, tiler or drywall fitter - all supposedly "male professions". But the old role models are breaking down, also and especially in the profession.  

This is also clearly noticeable in the demand: the need for special workwear for women is there, and women rightly expect to get clothing solutions that meet their needs. In general, the choice for women is not (yet) as wide as for men, but nevertheless a professional outfit can be created for almost any field of application.

Workwear adapted to female anatomy

In the past, women in male-dominated professions had to wear men's work clothes. The fact that the female anatomy is completely different from the male anatomy was not taken into account. 

For example, very few women carry their tools in their breast pocket, which is common for many men. The movement patterns of men and women are also different. And it is not a cliché, but scientifically proven that women react quite differently to climatic influences than their male colleagues: they freeze faster, but sweat later and less intensively than men. 

These female characteristics mean that women have very different demands on their clothing than men. But in the past, work clothes did not meet these requirements at all: they pinched here and pressed there, tools were always in the wrong place, women were cold and sweaty. Comfortable, concentrated and safe work was only possible to a very limited extent.

These times are definitely over. Today, workwear has a completely different meaning than in the past. Wearers want to identify with their workwear and apply the same high standards that they are used to in their leisure and outdoor clothing.

Women also place a higher value on the design of the outfit and the visual appearance of workwear than their male colleagues. Women also know what they want when it comes to comfort. The use of stretch materials is also very popular for women's clothing. In addition, the combinability of different garments plays an important role.

Employers make themselves attractive for women

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, all companies are competing for scarce skilled workers. Work clothes play a small but important role in this. It is the "business card" to the outside world and contributes to the image of a company and as a motivating factor for employees. The team spirit is also strengthened within the workforce through clothing in the company's own corporate design.

No company can afford to equip its employees with clothes that they do not like to wear. And certainly no employer can provide clothing in which employees feel restricted and cannot work as efficiently. This also and especially applies to the female workforce.

Gender-specific work clothes are also important for teamwork. Mixed teams only radiate homogeneity if the different requirements of men and women are met. To achieve this, the same conditions for all employees can also be created through work clothing.

Protective clothing and PPE for women

With the tailwind from workwear, manufacturers like BP have been bringing out protective clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) in women's fits for some time. In this area, high-visibility protective clothing in accordance with En ISO 20471 and multinorm protective clothing are particularly relevant because the proportion of women is comparatively large in these areas. 

For a long time, there was hardly any protective clothing in women's fits. Female workers consequently had to wear men's clothing. But this is not only uncomfortable and does not look good, it can also be dangerous. Because concentration suffers if the clothes constantly fit badly and don't really fit.  

And there are many examples of this: For example, the sleeves of work jackets in men's fits are much too long for women. That's why the wearers always had to turn the sleeves inside out. On the other hand, men's jackets are too tight at the hips for women, so female workers either have to wear them open or buy a work jacket two sizes larger. But then their shoulders are much too wide and the sleeves even longer than they already are. Fortunately, those days are over and women no longer have to suffer because their work clothes make them feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, women's fits are also an important step towards more safety at work. Because the wearers finally feel comfortable in their clothes. They are not distracted by clothing that does not fit properly and can therefore concentrate better on their work and are more efficient. This also reduces the number of accidents at work.

Conclusion - Why workwear should be a matter of course for women 

For a long time, women in male-dominated professions were forced to wear men's clothes without regard to their anatomical differences and needs. But these times are over. More and more women are entering traditionally male professions, and the demand for special workwear for women is increasing. 

The female anatomy and workwear needs are different. Women carry tools differently, have different movement patterns and react differently to climatic conditions. This requires specially adapted workwear. Manufacturers like BP therefore offer their own workwear collections for women

Furthermore, workwear for women should not only be functional, but also visually appealing and comfortable. Women value design, comfort and the possibility to combine different garments with each other. But in times of a shortage of skilled workers, employers have also recognised the importance for employee satisfaction and the company's image. Companies need to ensure that their employees wear clothing that meets their needs and allows them to work efficiently, safely and in compliance with standards.

Mixed teams benefit from gender-specific workwear that takes into account the different requirements of men and women. This contributes to homogeneity and teamwork. Manufacturers like BP already offer protective clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) in women's fits. A new trend is reflected in multinorm protective clothing for women

This not only contributes to the comfort of the wearer, but also to work safety and performance. Overall, workwear for women should now be a matter of course in all industries to meet the needs and requirements of female workers and to make the working environment safer and more efficient.

Household laundry

For employers in classic "male industries" such as crafts, construction or production companies, there are numerous reasons for providing their female employees with their own work clothes. These are the most important ones:

  1. More and more women in "men's jobs": The percentage of women workers in crafts, construction and production has increased continuously in recent years. Women are no longer an exception and have a right to comfortable and safe work clothes.    

  2. Increase attractiveness as an employer for women: In times of a shortage of skilled workers, companies cannot afford to do without female employees. Therefore, attractive work clothes should also be a matter of course for women. 

  3. Strengthen team spirit in mixed teams of men and women: This is also only possible if the different requirements of all members are taken into account. These requirements must also be met by the work clothing.   

  4. Professional appearance to the outside world: To strengthen the image and the brand, a uniform and professional appearance towards customers and the public is essential. For this, too, both men and women need the right workwear.   

  5. Performance of the employees: Only those who feel comfortable in their work clothes and can concentrate on their work can deliver top performance! In addition, well-fitting work clothes reduce the risk of accidents.
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